
ACE Group Faculty

Mr Ansar Mahmood

Mr Ansar Mahmood

MB ChB, MRCS Ed, FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Ansar is a Consultant Surgeon in one of the leading NHS trusts in the UK who actively researches, teaches and lectures on the use of PRP and stem cells in Orthopaedic and Aesthetic practice. He works across 2 hospitals and 3 clinics and is the Clinical Director of a joint Aesthetic and Surgical practice since 2010. He has developed a niche in complications teaching for Aesthetics practitioners and runs both cadaveric and facial ultrasound courses in his UK academy. He is invited to speak at national and international conferences on a regular basis.

Ansar has been using ultrasound generally since 2012 and in aesthetics since 2019, he is one of the pioneers in the use of Ultrasound to avoid and treat aesthetic patients and was the first provider of accredited courses in the UK. Ansar’s passion for a scientific evidence-based Aesthetic speciality provides reassurance to patients while enhancing safer practice for practitioners. This includes bringing his passion for teaching anatomy in a practical and easy to remember way, both in the dissecting room and sono-anatomy which takes the guess work out of planning safe injections.

‘Skills acquisition is the key to safe practice but complications will occur and my philosophy is that any individual practitioner should have the knowledge to recognise a problem and the skills to manage this. Sometimes onwards referral is appropriate and necessary – I believe ultrasound will soon become the accepted standard of care for complications management in the Aesthetic industry.’

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