
ACE Group World

Read Our Patient Leaflets

Before undergoing any medical aesthetic procedure, it is strongly recommended to do your research first. The following patient information leaflets have been produced by ACE Group World to give you some ideas of what the treatment involves, possible side effects, what you should expect and what you should ask.

Read Our Patient Information Leaflets

Before considering a treatment, read the patient leaflet and don't be afraid to ask questions!

The ACE Group World have produced these patient information leaflets for people who are considering undergoing a medical aesthetic procedure and is intended to help you decide whether this treatment is right for you and allow you to ask appropriate questions. It is not intended to be a substitute for a consultation with your treating practitioner and we take no responsibility for any errors, omissions or differences in the treatment you may receive to those described in our leaflets.

The ACE Group World Patient Information Leaflets are subject to Copyright Law. Members of the ACE Group World are permitted to use the ACE Group Patient Leaflets as part of their literature provided they use, print or copy the information in its entirety without any modifications.

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