Facebook Forum & Social Media Policy
ACE Group World operates a forum on a closed Facebook page and once registered, you can apply to join the forum. It is intended to share knowledge, ask questions, provide advice and learn from other posts. The ACE Group World forum is only for the management of complications in non-surgical aesthetic practice and should not be used for marketing or any other purpose.
Facebook Forum & Social Media Policy
ACE Group World® hosts a closed Facebook group offering advice and support to its members in the management of complications related to non-surgical aesthetic practice.
Although the ACE Group World Facebook forum is a closed page, you must still comply with the rules and regulations and with the professionalism expected of you when using social media. Failure to do so may result in removal from the forum or being reported to your professional body.
Please respect the patient’s privacy and ensure that you obtain their consent before posting photographs or case histories on this forum. Posts from this forum are not to be copied or distributed externally including posting to other social media sites or forums. We want to encourage a supportive and safe place for discussion and advice in complication management. Offensive or derogatory posts, advertisements or self-promotional material will be removed. We reserve the right to remove or suspend members who breech these terms and conditions of use.
Forum etiquette:
- No swearing
- No flaming (including personal attacks / mockery / verbal abuse)
- No trolling (posting inflammatory or derogatory comments to prompt a negative response from a member)
- No religious / sexual / political posts
- Do not breach confidentiality or post photographs without consent
- Do not post spam
- Do not use the forum to promote products / courses / etc.
- Do not copy any posts or reproduce them on any external site
- Do not share your log-in details
Facebook Forum & Social Media Policy Update 19th October 2020.
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