Helpline Policy
In order to help manage genuine emergencies which need immediate advice, ACE Group World has set up an emergency helpline number for registered Practitioners.
Emergency Helpline Policy
In order to help manage genuine emergencies which need immediate advice, ACE Group World has set up an Emergency Helpline number for registered Practitioners of ACE Group World. It is not for patients or non-members to use. If your complication is not an emergency requiring urgent advice, please seek advice using the ACE Group World forum or email.
If the Practitioner answering the call feels that the complication can be dealt with by other means, the caller will be advised on how to do this.
Terms of use
- The Emergency Helpline is available to all currently registered ACE Group World members.
- Practitioners that are using the service excessively or inappropriately may be contacted and may be barred from using the service.
- ACE Group World call handlers endeavour to answer the Emergency Helpline as a priority. However, as the ACE Group World call handlers may be working in their own clinic or performing other duties, we cannot guarantee that calls will always be answered.
- If your call is unanswered, ACE Group World recommends that you continue trying to call the number so that someone can answer as soon as they become available.
- Be respectful of the ACE Group World call handlers and avoid calling at unsociable hours.
- Rudeness and unprofessional behaviour will not be tolerated.
- If the Practitioner is in breach of legal or professional standards, ACE Group World may be obliged to report this to the Practitioner’s professional body, regulators or police. These breaches include, but are not restricted to, legal matters, the treatment of vulnerable adults and breaches of Codes of Practice.
- ACE Group World may store information in accordance with our GDPR policy.
- Patient identifiable details should not normally be sent to ACE Group World, preferably the reporting Practitioner should use their own clinic identification number or patient initials.
- Patient consent must be obtained before sharing information and photographs with ACE Group World. All patient information sent electronically must be appropriately secured.
- Anonymised data will be collected by ACE Group World for educational purposes, statistics, sharing with regulators and other bodies and other uses.
- Where appropriate, ACE Group World may report the complication to the MHRA and the manufacturer, using the Yellow Card reporting system.
- If the ACE Group World call handler receiving the call is unable to help manage the complication, it may be necessary to refer this on to another Practitioner more experienced in this type of complication.
ACE Group World have Professional Indemnity insurance in place to cover the advice provided.
The Practitioner will not discuss, divulge, reveal or report for any purpose any confidential information which the Practitioner has obtained, except as authorised by ACE Group World or as required by law.
The obligations of confidentiality will apply during the advice period and indefinitely.
Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy can be found on the ACE Group World website.
Confidentiality Policy
Our confidentiality policy can be found on the ACE Group World website.
ACE Group World welcomes further discussion and feedback on this Emergency Helpline Policy.