
Appear on the Find A Practitioner map

Map Legend
Map Colours


Find A Practitioner

As a verified Member of ACE Group World you are entitled to appear on the “Find A Practitioner” map.

The following information will need submitting:

  • Practitioner Name
  • Profession
  • Website
  • Full Title and Qualifications
  • Contact Telephone (For Patients)
  • Contact Email (For Patients)
  • Clinic Address
  • Opening Hours (Optional)
  • Evidence of Level 7 Qualification (If Appropriate)

A logo can be added to your profile, this needs to be submitted to map@uk.acegroup.online separately and should be no larger than 250 x 250 pixels. A transparent PNG file displays the best.

Please ensure the information you submit is accurate and you are happy for these details to be shared on the open website which can be viewed by the general public.

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